
Lindisfarne Sloe & Damson Gin 70cl


The dryness of the Sloe and tartness of Damson, infused with our signature botanicals, Meadowsweet, Honey, Lemongrass & Heather gives you a delightful twist on a treasured British beverage at 26%

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Weight1.47 kg


The Sloe and its relative the Damson, Blend perfectly with our gin. With the added infusion of Meadowsweet, you have a delightful twist on a treasured British beverage.

Meadowsweet, a herb that grows here on Lindisfarne, is the signature botanical in our carefully crafted gin range. With hints of the wild and rich dark fruit flavours, this is a gin to enjoy neat or mixed with a bitter lemon and a slice of lime.

Also try with sparkling wine to complement the dryness of the Sloe and the tartness of Damson.


    © Lindisfarne Mead 2025

    We like to guarantee a 3-5 working day delivery time; however, due to being located on a tidal island, this can sometimes delay orders up to 7-10 days depending on our local courier collection times and availability.

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