
Lindisfarne Ginger Wine 70cl


Smooth and warming at 11.5% and has been acclaimed at the Winchester Drinks Festival as the perfect complement to a Whisky Mac.


Additional Information

Weight1.08 kg


The first documented production of Ginger wine was in London in 1740. Since then we have learnt how to make our own!

This is our superb smooth warming drink that conjures up magic moments from cold days and snowy wintry moments. It has an ABV OF 11.5% and has been acclaimed at the Winchester Drinks Festival as the perfect complement to a Whisky Mac.

It is used exclusively in our famed Percy Warmer, a Rum and Ginger liqueur based around the Percy Special.

    © Lindisfarne Mead 2025

    We like to guarantee a 3-5 working day delivery time; however, due to being located on a tidal island, this can sometimes delay orders up to 7-10 days depending on our local courier collection times and availability.

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