
Cream Liqueur 70cl


Our Lindisfarne Cream Liqueur, which is Irish Whiskey based, at 17% ABV is a stunning classic rich and creamy drink.


Additional Information

Weight1.25 kg


Lindisfarne Liqueurs are a celebration of our tradition and are produced from the essence of finest fruits blended with fine spirits to our own needs. It is an exclusive range of smooth and tasty liqueurs that are a distinctive Lindisfarne experience, which we feel evoke memories of those warm evening moments after a day or work or exercise.

Our Lindisfarne Cream Liqueur, which is Irish Whiskey based, at 17% ABV is a stunning classic rich and creamy drink which complements a full range of coffees, use in desserts and for selective drizzling over desserts.


    © Lindisfarne Mead 2025

    We like to guarantee a 3-5 working day delivery time; however, due to being located on a tidal island, this can sometimes delay orders up to 7-10 days depending on our local courier collection times and availability.

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