
Alnwick Ruby 500ml


At 4%, a smooth, rich and full bodied ale, with a malty depth and warm reddish hue from the late addition of roast barley complimented with carefully chosen hops to produce subtle dark berry fruit flavours.

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Weight0.8 kg


Alnwick brewery’s debut Ruby ale first produced in Autumn 2021. A smooth, rich and full bodied ale, with a malty depth and warm reddish hue from the late addition of roast barley complimented with carefully chosen hops to produce subtle dark berry fruit flavours.

    © Lindisfarne Mead 2025

    We like to guarantee a 3-5 working day delivery time; however, due to being located on a tidal island, this can sometimes delay orders up to 7-10 days depending on our local courier collection times and availability.

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